Caltex Australia has commenced a widespread upgrade of service station pump signage to provide customers with clearer information when they are choosing the fuel for their vehicles.

More than 500 service stations will receive new labels as a response to customer feedback that showed the expanding range of fuels has contributed to confusion at the bowser.

Michael Ridley-Smith, Caltex marketing services manager, said there has been an increase in the number of products now available as a result of shift in fuel requirements of modern vehicles combined with a strong demand for a larger range of fuels.

“Twenty years ago the average service station might have had super and unleaded fuel available on the forecourt and diesel out the back. Today the situation is very different because of increased demand for diesel, premium unleaded and biofuel blends,” he said.

“Older pumps typically only had two hoses, one on each side of the pump, minimising the chance of selecting the wrong fuel.

“Modern dispensers have up to four hoses on each side – all carrying different products designed for an expanding range of fuels and vehicles – so this has meant that motorists have to be extra careful not to fill-up with a fuel not suited to their vehicles.

“Feedback from our customers has shown that, by displaying clearer information at the bowser, motorists feel they will be better informed about the fuels available and much less likely to put the wrong fuel in by mistake.”

The labels will carry the generic product name and be accompanied by a fuels product descriptor on each fuel type including the Vortex range of premium unleaded and diesel products.

“Customers associate the Vortex name with it being a premium fuel product and recognise the similar benefits of choosing one of these products for their vehicle depending on their engine-type,” Ridley-Smith said.

“We hope that the combination of improved labelling on the bowser and a separate product descriptor chart providing more detailed information about the benefits of each product will be helpful for all of our customers.”