Creative Instore Solutions (CIS) triumphed at the Popai Marketing at Retail 2014 awards, being awarded five Gold statues across the permanent categories of Liquor, Grocery Food, Digital, Convenience/ Route.

CIS were thrilled to continue the tradition of Popai Award success at the 2014 Australian/New Zealand Popai Awards, held on 1 October 2014. With an outstanding nine Popai 'Indians' awarded across seven categories, CIS continue to be recognised as a leader in design and manufacture of iconic displays and activations by their peers.

The annual awards which recognise the most innovative and effective marketing at retail displays that lift sales and engage shoppers culminated in a gala awards dinner held at the Sydney Hilton Hotel. Winning five gold, two silver and two bronze awards showcased the continued industry thought leadership by CIS.

“As leaders in innovative brand growth solutions, Creative Instore Solutions continue to change the game; creating iconic units that break through the in store visual noise for our clients. Industry acknowledgement obviously makes the whole team exceptionally proud of the exceptional concepts and activations that have put into the marketplace over the last 12 months,” said Deane Hubball, group CEO, Creative Instore Solutions.

Source: CIS media release.