Shopping late and self-gifting are the main reason why 72 per cent of Australians exceed their Christmas shopping budget by an average of $248, according to new research released today from
Self-gifting or purchasing a gift for oneself on impulse is a big Christmas budget buster. More than half of the respondents (57 per cent) are confessed self-gifters; 18-24 year olds (67 per cent) and singles (65 per cent) are the most likely to pick up items for themselves while Christmas shopping.
The nationwide survey also found that nearly all (96 per cent) Aussies find Christmas shopping stressful. The most common stresses include crowds (63 per cent), difficulty parking (53 per cent), the long queues (52 per cent) and worry over finding a thoughtful present (54 per cent).
Eighty-three per cent of respondents wish they had done more of their shopping earlier and 68 per cent believe they will get better value if they get their Christmas shopping done early. However, many don’t follow their own advice, with more than one third (35 per cent) saving their Christmas shopping for the last few days before Christmas.
eBay spokesperson Sian Gipslis said with nearly three quarters (72 per cent %) of Australians admitting to going over their Christmas spending budget, and a whopping 75 per cent admitting that the last few days before Christmas is the most difficult time to shop for Christmas presents, shopping online for gifts earlier in the season is the best way to nab bargains and avoid blowing your Christmas spending budget.  
More and more savvy Aussies are opting out of the shopping crowds this Christmas, with nearly half (49 per cent) of respondents claiming they will buy presents online this year. Better value, avoiding crowds and queues, and taking advantage of better range are the main reasons that drive people to shop online.