n.gage will address all areas of digital signage, answer all questions and assist brands, retailers and network owners with information for every step of planning, managing and evaluating successful digital signage networks and content.
The n.gage Digital Signage Forum will also tackle subjects such as media versus proprietary networks and use case studies to highlight what models work where, and why. Speakers from Imperative Group in the US and UK will cover its own case studies such as Walmart and talk about why it was forced to pull a media based digital signage network and replace it with the now hugely successful Walmart proprietary network.
Addressing future trends, n.gage is also bringing out an expert in the integration of social media with digital signage and one of Australia’s leading content creators, phdcreative, will be leading discussions on content creation that uplifts sales as well as its effective content management and measurement.
All speakers are highly accessible through keynote speeches and more intimate deep-dive sessions to answer more specific company digital signage issues.
To book a seat at one of these events, visit www.ngagewithus.com
Event dates
Sydney 24.05.11
Melbourne 26.05.11
Auckland 31.05.11