More than nine in 10 (92%) workers believe that employee wellbeing is the key to unlocking higher levels of productivity in the workplace.

The new study commissioned by COS, an Australian-owned and operated company offering product supply solutions for the workplace, surveyed over 1,000 Australian workers.

The findings revealed that while the vast majority of people believed they were more productive when their workplaces placed a priority on their wellbeing, only 69% of people felt that their organisation was actively taking steps to prioritise it in their organisation. This highlights a possible disconnect between employee expectations and organisational initiatives.

Of those who felt their workplace prioritised employee wellbeing, 49% believed that their productivity was higher because they felt valued and well looked after. 43% felt that in workplaces where employee wellbeing was valued, productivity was higher as it enhanced team bonding and positively impacted how teams collaborated with one another.

The research also found that workplaces where leaders embodied authentic qualities like being genuine, honest, and true to the company’s values, fostered an environment of trust and positive relationships with company leadership. In organisations where leadership was thought to be authentic, 53% of employees agreed that it made them more engaged, and therefore more productive in their role.

Interestingly, the research found that 31% of people believed that their company does not place a priority on employee wellbeing.

As a company whose purpose is to keep Australian workers, healthy, safe and productive, we are constantly striving to find ways to improve and better understand our employee’s wellbeing and general satisfaction. This data highlights how companies need to be values led and treat their employees as more than just numbers and headcounts in order to succeed.

To address these disconnects and improve overall employee wellbeing and productivity, Amie suggests that businesses consider the following practical steps that align with COSs expertise in workplace setup and solutions:

Optimise workplace environments: Ensure that the physical workspace is conducive to employee wellbeing by providing ergonomic furniture, adequate lighting, and necessary office supplies. COS offers a range of products designed to create a comfortable and efficient workspace that supports employee health and productivity.

Encourage open conversations: Promote honest communication and feedback mechanisms to build trust and wellbeing in your business. Be receptive and respond to all feedback in a way that fosters employee trust with leadership. This can be facilitated through tools and platforms to streamline communication and collaboration.

Adopt flexible work policies: Where possible offer flexible scheduling to support work-life balance, allowing employees to manage personal commitments alongside work responsibilities. Implementing small initiatives such as not hosting cross-function meetings during school holidays to respect the pressures of working parent colleagues is an easy way to provide flexibility with minimal impact to the wider business.

Provide essential supplies and services: Equip your teams with the necessary supplies and services that support their daily tasks. From stationery to technology solutions, COS provides a comprehensive range of products that enhance workplace efficiency and employee satisfaction.

At COS, we believe that employee wellbeing goes beyond simple perks. It’s about fostering a leadership commitment that is genuine, honest, and aligned with our company’s values. By creating a supportive culture, businesses can show their employees that they are valued and that their wellbeing is a priority.

We demonstrate this through our commitment to providing high-quality workplace products and solutions that support the physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing of our employees and clients.

Amie Lyone is co-CEO of COS, the largest Australian owned and operated office products supplier.