OneTap Loyalty, designed and developed by two Australian retail loyalty entrepreneurs, Carly Neubauer and Jodie Wilson, enables customers to link their payment card to retail loyalty programs, ensuring every time they shop and tap their payment card, they are automatically rewarded.

The technology gives loyalty members the ability to allow programs to recognise their payment card to receive benefits at the point of sale. It works with any loyalty program and works no matter where or when a customer shops.

Global retail industry giants, Brian Dunne, based in the UK, and Debbie Ghillino, based in South Africa, were impressed with the value proposition and potential of the technology that they invested and joined forces with them to form a new company, OneTap Group Ltd. strategically based in the UK to access global markets.

South-African based The Incentive Company CEO, Debbie Ghillino said, “We are blown away by the brilliant proposition that OneTap Loyalty offers and are excited to be part of this clever loyalty solution on a global scale.”

Dunne added that it is not often that a technology solution in a single country is taken up by other parties and invested in; however, this is what has happened with OneTap Loyalty. Dunne is renowned for decades of experience in the payments industry, including One4All, SVM, Target and other major retailers.

“With OneTap Loyalty technology, we are the first to market with a truly global offer and the new company gives a grounding for serious growth which is tremendously exciting,” he said.

With the recent exodus of Bink in the UK, which had a similar proposition, there is a gap in the UK market for this business solution.

“One of the best things about first launching in Australia was the solid foundation to develop our solution and we are now taking it to take to a global market with an offering that clients can trust,” OneTap Group and Elevate Loyalty managing director, Carly Neubauer said.

“Customers can now make quick and secure payments while effortlessly accruing points, rewards and benefits through their store’s loyalty program—all with just one tap.”

Neubauer and Wilson partnered with PokitPal and Fidel API to incorporate technology and capability to equip the platform to provide seamless and scalable solutions.

“Loyalty programs have become an important tool. We wanted to ensure that not only was OneTap Loyalty the best, it was also the most adaptive and robust,” Neubauer added.

OneTap Group has partnered with leading customer data platform (CDXP), Lexer across Australia, the US and Southeast Asia. This partnership enables retail clients to access OneTap Loyalty technology directly via the Lexer system to close the loop with connecting online and offline data for omnichannel retailers.