Fair Work Australia (FWA)’s decision to keep the new retail award's minimum three hour shift requirement will take jobs away from thousands of young Australian workers.
Australian Retailers Association (ARA) executive director Jennifer Cromarty said retailers would be bitterly disappointed they are being forced to deny young Australians their right to work.
"FWA vice president Watson's decision is a slap in the face for small business owners and a body blow for young Australians, who will lose their jobs simply because they are not able to work for three hour shifts during the week due to school commitments.
"It is shameful that we will now be sending our school kids out into the workforce without the valuable experience they get from casual retail employment.
"FWA has shown blatant disregard for the pleas from small retailers and young employees to hand down a 'common sense' ruling to allow casual student employees to work in the two hours between the end of school and close of business.
'This is a prime example of FWA's illogical, inflexible and straight jacket approach to legislation denying the employer and employee the ability to come to a sensible agreement," Cromarty said.
In March, ARA applied for the new retail award's three hour minimum shift to be reduced to two hours, allowing school students to work between the end of school and close of business.
"The ARA will bring this matter to Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations Simon Crean's attention and will consider the views of members and taking this debate to the FWA full bench," she said.