Following reports of severe floods in NSW and Victoria, IGA Distribution has lend a helping hand to support NSW supermarkets that have been impacted by the natural disaster – ensuring essential suppliers through alternate transportation and delivery methods.
IGA>D has been required to work with and Traffic Authority, State Emergency Service teams and even local mayors, to ensure that the stores are still able to receive stock deliveries.
“The team at IGA>D have been working around the clock to adjust logistics and distribution strategies to assist our retailers across the state, to support their local communities, and ensure they do not run out of essential commodities during the floods,” Paul Maraziotis, IGA>D NSW/ACT distribution manager, said.
“Since the first floods, IGA’s number one focus has been delivering stock using any means possible. The floods have confirmed our distribution model’s ability to be flexible in times of crisis like these.”
Known as the biggest flood disaster since 1974, flood affected towns included Riverina in Wagga Wagga, Forbes, Lightning Ridge, Walgett and Collarenebri.