Global boutique tea giant T2 has announced a partnership with a global software company to create a seamless customer experience online and in store. 

The retailer will adopt Triquestra’s Infinity platform for point of sale, inventory and customer loyalty across retail channels including its more than 100 stores worldwide.

The retailer says the technology will create an frictionless experience for customers across in-store, online and mobile.

The platform will support Click and Collect and  endless aisle, which will allow the retailer to explore stock throughout the retail network – whether it’s at a warehouse or in a retail outlet.

“To keep pace with new technologies and changing consumer demands, we decided to bring everything together with a unified commerce strategy,” said Rohan Penman, T2’s Global Head of Technology.

“Infinity will give us a single hub for our channels, reducing integration complexity and manual overheads, while increasing efficiency and accuracy,” Rohan adds. “It will also be our platform for growth and innovation, helping us to deliver evolutionary innovations that will accelerate our business agility and competitive advantage.”

The platform offers POS as well as a centralised repository of inventory and customer data, Kelly Brown, CEO of Triquestra told Retailbiz. 

“Infinity allows store staff to create more personalised experiences in-store,” she said.

The company’s transition to the platform will start in Australia and New Zealand and later extend to Singapore, North America  and Europe.

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