In today’s digital marketing landscape, the cost of paid media on platforms like Meta has surged, making it increasingly difficult for small businesses to maintain profitability while scaling.

As budgets tighten and return on investment or ROI diminishes, it becomes essential to explore more cost-effective strategies. One such strategy is leveraging short-form video content, which offers numerous advantages for amplifying reach and engagement without the heavy expenditure associated with paid media.

What is short-form video content?

Short-form video content typically refers to videos that are 15 to 60 seconds long. These videos are designed to be easily consumable, engaging, and shareable, making them perfect for capturing the attention of today’s fast-scrolling audiences. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts have popularised this format, providing businesses with powerful tools to reach vast audiences organically.

Advantages of short-form video content

  1. Cost-effective: Creating and sharing organic content does not incur direct costs, making it an ideal strategy for brands with limited budgets. Unlike traditional advertising, which requires significant financial investment, short-form videos can be produced with minimal resources and often achieve substantial reach.
  2. Authenticity and trust: User-generated content (UGC) and organic posts often resonate more with audiences due to their genuine nature and more authentic feel. Consumers today are savvy and can easily detect overt advertising. Authentic content builds trust, driving higher engagement and conversions. Audiences are more likely to engage with and share content that feels real and relatable – when is the last time you hit “share” on an ad?
  3. Sustainable engagement: Organic efforts can create lasting relationships with followers, fostering loyalty and long-term engagement. Rather than a one-time transaction, organic content encourages ongoing interaction and connection with your brand, building a community of loyal customers.

Viral potential

One of the most significant advantages of short-form video content is its viral potential or “Virality”. On platforms like TikTok, a single well-crafted video can reach millions of viewers based purely on engagement metrics like shares, comments, and likes. This organic reach is cost-effective and results in higher engagement rates as the content spreads naturally through user interactions. The algorithmic nature of these platforms rewards engaging content, giving every video the potential to go viral, regardless of the creator’s follower count.

Leveraging content creators

Content creators are the new secret sauce. These individuals have established audiences and can create authentic, engaging content that resonates with their followers. Note though that stepping into a creator’s space means embracing their style and trusting their expertise in connecting with their audience. Content creators understand what works on their platforms and how to communicate in a way that feels genuine and relatable.

When you collaborate with content creators, you’re not only leveraging their audience but also their creativity and authenticity. By stepping into a creator’s space, you are essentially meeting your audience where they are and in the style they prefer

This approach allows your brand to reach new demographics and benefit from the trust that creators have built with their followers. It’s important to allow creators the freedom to interpret your brand in their unique way. It’s a partnership that, when done correctly, can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility and resonance in the crowded digital marketplace.

Don’t be afraid of letting go of some of those brand guidelines. On platforms like TikTok and YouTube Shorts, it’s okay to be different, quirky, funny, or even a little silly – it’s what the audience wants! They can see straight through traditional advertising, and they appreciate genuine, relatable content. Allowing creators to infuse their personality and creativity into the content can result in more engaging and effective videos.

Fast-paced content creation

Short-form video content is not about meticulous revisions; it’s about testing and iterating quickly. Social Media platforms reward agility. Producing a high volume of content increases the chances of hitting the mark with your audience. It’s about experimenting with different styles, formats, and messages to see what resonates best. The feedback loop on platforms like TikTok is fast, allowing you to adapt and refine your approach swiftly.

Profitability over paid media

While paid media can offer quick results, it’s essential to focus on profitability, especially for small businesses with limited budgets. The skyrocketing costs and diminishing ROI on platforms like Meta necessitate a shift towards more sustainable strategies.

Short-form video content offers an effective alternative, enabling businesses to amplify their reach and engagement organically. By prioritising organic growth through authentic, engaging content, businesses can build a loyal customer base and achieve long-term profitability without relying heavily on paid media.

Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge of how short-form video content can revolutionise your marketing strategy, it’s time to take action. Embrace this cost-effective way to reach and engage with your audience.

Focus on authenticity, leverage viral potential, and maintain consistent, high-quality content to achieve significant growth and profitability in today’s digital landscape. Shift your budget allocations from traditional paid media to content creators, ensuring your brand remains relevant, relatable, and engaging to your target audience. So, get your content creator, step into their space, and watch your business thrive!

Gabi Saper is co-founder of CMY Cubes and chief of growth at SHE-com and keynote speaker at Online Retailer Conference in Sydney, 24th July. Gabi’s sessions will focus on ‘Unleashing the power of short-form video and organic social marketing’ and ‘AI in Marketing: The New Frontier in Logistics’ with more information available here.