Work is underway to develop an independently verifiable international standard on net zero, in a landmark process convened by BSI, designed to provide clarity on the net zero transition, enable robust climate action and accelerate progress.

The standard, which will be developed over the next 18 months with a view to being launched at COP30 in November 2025, aims to provide a global solution to guide organisations as they embark on the net zero transition.

Development of the international standard will involve collaboration between thousands of experts through national standards bodies across more than 170 countries. BSI, in its role as the UK National Standards Body, in collaboration with ICONTEC, Colombia’s National Standards Body, is convening this process. A public consultation is expected to open later in 2025 to support global input.

The standard will see the conversion of the ISO Net Zero Guidelines, which BSI led the international development process and launch of at COP27, facilitating organisations to create comprehensive net zero strategies by providing them with credible best practice.

Converting these guidelines through the ISO process to create an independently verifiable international standard is designed to support organisations to have a clearer understanding of what credible net zero action looks like​, build confidence in what action needs to be taken.

The process was formally launched at London Climate Action Week as the first meeting of the international working group on net zero is convened to begin this important global process.

BSI CEO, Susan Taylor Martin said, “The launch of this standard development process is an important moment in the global effort to meet the climate challenge. While progress is being made to decarbonise key industries around the world, and many individuals and organisations are stepping up, the net zero landscape is complex and the lack of clarity risks slowing down efforts to turn ambition into action.

“This important collaboration, with BSI bringing together national standards bodies and their experts from around the world, represents a landmark opportunity to bring clarity, credibility and trust to the net zero transition process, and ultimately to help accelerate our common progress towards a sustainable world.”

ICONTEC CEO, Roberto Montoya added, “For ICONTEC, chairing the group that developed the ISO Net Zero Guidelines was an enriching experience as we work in collaboration with both developing and developed countries.  Now, we have the great responsibility to be part of the leadership of the group that will develop the International Standard for Net Zero.

“We are conscious that achieving net zero requires a collaborative, ambitious and urgent effort, so we invite all countries to participate in the process, and together, establish the requirements that will serve as the basis for implementing credible, transparent, and verifiable actions.”