Australian craft beer brand, Stone & Wood, recently launched a campaign on Pinterest to leverage a key sales moment to reach Australians planning for the upcoming Easter moment.

To reach buyers ahead of the Easter holiday season, Stone & Wood leveraged Pinterest’s high impact video solution, Spotlight, to reach active planners and organisers with custom creative. This was the first time a beer brand has leveraged the format in Australia.

The beer category, which skews male, is seeing untapped opportunity on Pinterest with one in three Australian men visiting Pinterest each month. The strong results driven by the campaign also helped Stone & Wood reach a broader audience, including women.

Stone & Wood marketing manager, James Aris said, “The Pinterest Spotlight opportunity was an awesome chance for us to get ahead of the curve, and put some customised creative up in lights ahead of the Easter long weekend. It’s important to us that beer drinkers have Stone & Wood top of mind during key trade up periods, and so this meant we could get in front of the right audience, with the right message, at the right time.”

There’s a celebration planned every three seconds on Pinterest, with over 14.6 million celebration-related boards created in the past year alone.

Commenting on planning the Pinterest campaign, Alpha Digital senior paid media manager, Gus Hicks said, “Being Australia’s first beer brand to activate across Pinterest Spotlight made total sense to us. As part of our national ‘& Beer’ campaign for 2024 alongside UM & Monster Children – it’s imperative that we are front of mind for consumers across key cultural moments.

“Ensuring 100% SOV in the lead up to Easter to an audience of active planners and organisers allowed us to build positive mental connections & be the beverage of choice across the Holiday period.”