Content continues to reign supreme, with the mantra “create once, publish often” ringing truer than ever in 2024. With consumer behaviour shifting and diversifying, retailers are challenged to create even more engaging, cohesive experiences across an increasing myriad of platforms.

While these ever-accelerating shifts can be confronting for brands, the implementation of an effective omnichannel and creative channel categorisation strategy presents the opportunity to unlock an elevated level of consumer engagement.

Brands are providing connections through content like they never have before, in a more competitive space than ever. In fact, Australia’s customer experience is recognised as a world-leading force – ranked in the top three globally, and the top spot online by NewStore’s 2023 Omnichannel Leadership Report, illustrating just how fierce the competition for consumer attention is in our market.

It’s no secret that consumer behaviour is evolving due to content, with one of the most notable shifts being the rise of ‘shoppertainment’. Seeking more immersive and entertaining shopping experiences, consumers are traversing seamlessly between online and offline channels, expecting consistent, engaging content at every touchpoint.

As agency partners, our role extends beyond mere content creation; we are now storytellers tasked with crafting entertaining narratives that resonate with audiences across the shopper journey. We need to delineate the role of communication – whether it be driving awareness, fostering engagement, delivering service, or promoting conversion. By aligning our production efforts with these strategic imperatives, we are responsible for elevating the purpose of every asset, ensuring effectiveness across the myriad of touchpoints and success through the lens of ‘shoppertainment’.

The proof is in the pudding, research by Viden, found that today’s consumers do not differentiate between a brand website, app, or physical store — they want a unified, seamless experience. With data uncovering 55% of consumers still valuing the tactile experience of visiting a physical store.

So, we know it’s critical for the ongoing success of brands, but that doesn’t stop it being overwhelming. With marketers having less time on their hands and with budgets getting tighter… How can we as agency partners support this goal of creating a resourceful, seamless experience that serves consumers and keeps them ahead of competition?

At Producible, we have incorporated a strategic framework known to us as, the “Producibility Viewfinder”  that enables brands to compartmentalise the role of communications into four distinct areas influenced by consumer behaviour: signature pieces, awareness driving, engagement fostering, and service delivery. Each plays a vital role in shaping the shopper narrative cohesively, alleviating traditional difficulties with multi-touch campaigns around timing and budget pressures, and guiding consumer interactions throughout the retail journey.

The Producibility Viewfinder” for brands looks something like this:

  • Signature pieces and awareness driving: At its core, the signature piece serves as a beacon—a focal point that captures the attention of a broad mainstream audience. Distributing this content across a vast array of high-attention channels not only drives initial awareness but also lays the foundation for deeper engagement and interaction.
  • Signposts are smart ways at further driving awareness: sharp messages designed to promote a product feature, a price point or a promotion. Single-minded and straight to the point.
  • Engagement with sticky video: In today’s competitive landscape, retailers must go beyond mere visibility to cultivate meaningful connections with their audience. This is where engagement-driven content comes into play—content designed to encourage customers to linger, explore, and stick around with the brand. Whether through interactive experiences, immersive storytelling, or personalised recommendations, engagement-driven communication fosters a sense of connection and community, driving brand affinity and loyalty.
  • Service delivery: To truly differentiate themselves in the marketplace, retailers must also prioritise the delivery of value-added services. Whether in the form of how-to tutorials, product demonstrations, or expert advice, service-oriented content enhances the customer experience, positioning the brand as a trusted advisor and partner in the consumer journey.

By shaping communication efforts, similar to this framework, brands will have more clarity and direction of their content outputs. This will also ensure that every piece of content serves its own unique purpose. From reaching existing consumers via TV, to building new relationships with customers via TikTok, content frameworks are a must in order to streamline production workflows, maximising efficiency and enforcing the “create once, publish often” ethos.

Frameworks such as the Producibility Viewfinder” enables retailers to capitalise on the full spectrum of creative possibilities, transforming a single production into a multitude of assets primed for multichannel and omnichannel distribution. By embracing a publish-once, distribute-everywhere mindset, retailers can amplify the reach and impact of their content, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement across diverse platforms and touchpoints.

The importance of multichannel and omnichannel publishing in today’s world of ‘shoppertainment’ cannot be overstated. In an age where consumer expectations are higher than ever, retailers must adapt and innovate to stay relevant. Seamlessly integrating content across disparate channels, retailers can create cohesive, immersive journeys that resonate with consumers on a deeper level.

In doing so, they not only drive conversions but also foster long-term loyalty and advocacy. Therefore, by leveraging strategic publishing frameworks, retailers can navigate the multiverse of content creation with confidence, maximising impact and driving tangible results in an ever-evolving marketplace.

David Flanagan is director of strategy & creative at Producible.