Leading commerce delivery platform, Shippit is launching Shippit Insights, providing customers with a 360-degree view of their shipping and delivery operations. Expanding on its current optimisation tools, Shippit Insights’ advanced reporting provides insights for greater visibility and control.

Shippit Insights enables retailers to identify efficiencies and cost-savings with over 250 actionable data points to turn delivery into a competitive advantage. Insights are presented via dashboards, tailored in consultation with Australia’s leading retailers, or as unprocessed data for deep analytics. These out-of-the-box dashboards are also customisable to suit unique business needs.

Shippit chief product officer, Inga Latham said, “Being the first last-mile delivery platform to bring such a comprehensive solution to market is a game changer, and will drive significant value, clarity and insight for retailers.

“It’s not just built for our customers, but with our customers – who were heavily involved in the creation of a solution that addresses their most pressing operational challenges. Our data and insights are already used by over 4,000 retailers to optimise fulfilment, delivery and the post-purchase experience; enabling them to turn delivery into loyalty.

“Now, through the launch of Shippit Insights, they’ll be able to create an even deeper, broader and clearer picture of their entire shipping and delivery operation.”

With the new advanced reporting, logistics and operations teams can gain streamlined data from multiple sources, helping identify bottlenecks that lead to delivery delays, lead informed carrier negotiations and select the best-fit carriers based on freight, dispatch and delivery destinations.

E-commerce teams can understand how shipping and fulfilment affect SKU profits, and ensure they meet delivery promises from order creation to delivery. It also enables them to discover revenue opportunities from inventory placement and location-based deliveries.

Finance teams can enjoy a complete view of shipping costs, including special deliveries and surcharges, as well as easily compare quoted versus actual carrier costs.